About NPC
NICU Parent Club started to form in 2017 when a few families with a NICU experience came together with a shared interest to help others going through the roller coaster that is NICU life. We have supported the local NICU's and families for many years before deciding to make this a mission!
NICU Parent Club now serves Piedmont Newnan, Piedmont Fayette, and the surrounding communities of families from many NICU's. We are dedicated to helping families before, during, and after a NICU stay. The support can begin during a bedrest period or high risk pregnancy, throughout a NICU stay, possible loss, and/or NICU graduate life. We are a group that advocates for the whole family including physical and emotional well-being. This is a life altering event that may impact many aspects of your family. One of our goals is to provide you comprehensive support or point you towards a resource specifically for your needs. There is no clear start and end date for when support is helpful and we understand those ongoing needs. We know a few things because we've seen a few things. From those in the trenches, we "get" it. NPC will stand alongside you through your journey, embrace your emotions, encourage you to heal, guide you to resources and connect you to others. |

Co-founder and Chief Financial Officer, Ashley Crabtree helps to run NPC social media pages, handles operational planning and the financial records. Ashley was put on bedrest for 4 weeks at Piedmont Fayette due to PPROM at 25 weeks gestation in 2015. Her son, Brooks, was born at 29 weeks after placental abruption and spent 69 days at PFH NICU where they changed her life and became like family. Her family was the 2020 Southern Crescent March of Dimes Ambassador Family. Originally from Fairburn, Ga, she graduated from the University of West Georgia with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology, and a concentration in Human Services. She has resided in Newnan since 2006 with her husband, Brad and 2 sons. She also works as Business Development Manager at Smith Pipeline, Inc. She enjoys connecting with others and learning about ways to help the community.

Meredith Barron is a Board Member as our Director of Strategic Planning. She handles the marketing, events, and organizational needs of NPC. Meredith received her Bachelors of Science in Communication PR from Kennesaw State University. Prior to joining NPC, she worked as Clinical Events Coordinator at Cancer Treatment Centers of America DBA City of Hope. She planned the continuing education programs for physicians and served on the board that generated a comprehensive plan of care for patients. In 2018, she experienced early labor with her twin girls. Due to an autoimmune disease, she delivered Braelinn and Bentley at Piedmont Fayette at 25 weeks. The girls spent 4 months in NICU together before Braelinn was welcomed home. Bentley continued her fight at CHOA for 4 more months. After losing Bentley, Meredith recognized the need for encouragement during preterm birth, the NICU journey and during the loss of a child. Meredith now resides in Newnan with her husband Jess and precious daughter Braelinn.
Advisory Panel
If you have been on this journey, you can heal while helping others! Check out our Contact page to reach us. We'd love for you to partner with us in some way or share your ideas on what may be helpful to you and others experiencing these unfamiliar situations.
Email us at [email protected] if you are interested in becoming a volunteer or board member! |